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PM TALONS English Civil War Assessment

March 10, 2014

Morning reflection

In assessing your own and our collective learning during our study of the English Civil War, provide evidence and reflection on the following points and questions.

Group Project

  • Describe your selected section of the unit and what you understand to be the main idea at the heart of understanding it.
  • Considering your own presentation, as well as those of others:
    • What are you proud of contributing to your group and the class’ understanding of your topic?
    • How would you alter or improve your group / class participation to ensure better understanding of your topic in future units?
  • How should we as a class look to improve future experiments in collaborative unit planning / teaching / assessment? “Ask and yea shall receive…”

Individual Learning

  • Other than your own section, describe an element of the unit which captured your interest.
    • What will you remember about it?
    • How does it relate to your existing knowledge/feelings/assumptions about history and politics?
  • Considering the entire unit (course material as well as collaborative unit planning and group work), what questions / issues did the English Civil War unit raise for you?
  • Describe your daily engagement with the topics covered/discussed in class. Use examples of strategies and habits used in your daily studies.
  • How would you undertake a similar course of study to greater effect in the future?Aspects of this unit you would strive to duplicate or change to improve.

Big Question

Answer any one of the following questions in a brief paragraph supporting your answer.

  • Who ought we ‘cheer’ for in studying the English Civil War?
  • If those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it, what are we ‘doomed to repeat’ by not learning about this period in English history?
  • Do you agree with the statement, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely”?
    Why or why not?
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